[PHS] 14 August, 2018

Thanks to SCA’s María Antonieta Cardona Martínez, we now have contact information for a formerly “lost” classmate—Ninfa Codd, née Morales.

[SJC] 23 September, 2017

Good news! For more than a decade we’ve listed Derrick Moguel on our In Memoriam page because no one had heard from him following a serious earthquake in Mexico. We just learned from Derrick’s sister-in-law, Iona Douglas-Moguel, that he is alive and well in Mexico!

Our hearty thanks to Iona for this happy news and our sincere appologies to Derrick for disseminating erroneous information about him.

[SCA] 20 September, 2017

Minerva Gordillo de Maldonado reported that she and her family are OK following the second recent earthquake.

[SCA] 8 September, 2017

Minerva Gordillo de Maldonado reported from her home near Mexico City that she and her family are OK following the earthquake.

[SCA] 30 August, 2017

Following Hurricane Harvey, Elena Van Leer (nee Mendoza) reported from Kingwood Texas, in the Houston area:

Even though some parts of Kingwood are still under water, we are very lucky to have had minimal problems, and to have been prepared for the duration. The power went out over 7 times, so we were without power for most of yesterday and today. We are happy we had blue skies and lots of sunshine today.

[SCA] 16 February, 2017: Margaret Rose Ozaeta, née Marin

Sad news: Our classmate Margaret Rose Ozaeta, née Marin, died the morning of February 15, on her 65th birthday.

[PHS] 10 July, 2014: Leonora Wade

Sad news: Our former classmate Leonora Wade passed away (2014).

This page last modified: October 10, 2021