50-Year Joint Reunion

SCA Girls’ Nite Out

Friday, 31 May, 2019

Marta graciously hosted our SCA get-together at Old Belize.


Antonieta Cardona Martínez with daughter Karina; Camila Valencia, née Espejo; Carli Scott; Christine Heusner Robinson; Eloisa Bradley; Ester Heusner, née Hernández; Jenny Lizama, née Castillo with daughter Anya; Ivy Leslie-Blease; Jessie Hoare with sister Francesca; Joy Tatum-Haylock; Joyce Perdomo, née Gough; Lydia Balderamos Loskot; Margaret Carrillo; María Scott, née Villanueva; Marta Woods, née Ordóñez with daughter Madelyn; Patricia Coburn, née Reid; Rita Stuart, née Young; Rosilia Ordóñez, née Vega with sister Mati; Ruby Vásquez; Veronica Jones, née Usher with sister Barbara


We arrived to find the street scene beautifully decorated with sign and banner for the special occasion and an elegant dinner table stretching out in the center of the street.

Everyone joyfully greeted long-time friends—some of whom we hadn’t seen in decades—hugging, laughing, and reminscing as if no time had passed since our last encounter. Staff members came by frequently to be sure that we each had our choice of the beverage. Our animated conversations continued throughout dinner.


The celebratory cake was a work of art, topped with edible decorations reflecting the occasion: a white mortar board, like the ones we work at graduation, and two medallions (cookies), one reading Class of 1969 and the other, 50. When it was served at the end of the meal, we found the cake to be as delicious as it was beautiful.

Following dinner, Ivy thanked Marta for supplying the perfect place, refreshments, and entertainment for the evening and then presented medals of the group’s appreciation (provided by Veronica) to Marta and the reunion organizers. Next, each member of the class of ’69 gave a brief summary of her life, family, and interests. How great to learn that the girls who were our friends at SCA have matured into women with whom we still have much in common!

[group with medals]

After leaving the dinner table, we gathered behind the class sign and sang the school song, Mercians All, pleased that we still remember the words…at least some of us!

We left exhilarated by the wonderful evening and looking forward to Saturday’s dinner-dance with the three-school group.

This page last modified: July 18, 2023