Class of ’69

Where Are They?

We are currently missing addresses for the following members of the Class of ’69 and former classmates, grouped by school, and listed alphabetically by first name.


  • Barbara Cattouse
  • Dorothy Ramclam, née Arnold
  • Helen Austin
  • María Aguilar
  • Melanie Magaña, née Speer
  • Rosalind Tzul
  • Yolanda Sosa, née Bautista


  • Ann Miguel
  • Egzine McFoy
  • Jennifer Escobar, née Bradley
  • Joy McKinnes, née Yorke
  • Leonella Tescum
  • Yvonne Helmsley, née Sánchez


  • Aaron Arnold
  • Abel López
  • Alvaro Jackson
  • Austin Burgess
  • Charles Heusner
  • Clarence Usher
  • Dinsdale Sampson
  • Ernie Zelaya
  • Gilbert Gibson
  • Gonzalo (Gush) Ramírez
  • John Menzies
  • Jorge Campo
  • José Matus
  • Norman Reneau
  • Pedro Heredia
  • Vicente Vernon
  • Wayne Morillo

Help us find them!

Please help us find our missing classmates so we can invite them to the next reunion!

If you have an account on FaceBook or other social media site, please take a little time to look for them.

If you know, or can find, the address for any of our missing classmates, please let us know how we can contact them.

This page last modified: April 6, 2021