35-Year Joint Reunion


Saturday, 3 July, 2004

The dinner-dance on Saturday, 3 July, 2004 was the main reunion event.

Classmates in attendance:

Francisca Pook, née Sutherland; Iola Ellis, née Nicholas; Josephine Frazer; Juanita Beeke, née Rudon; Juanita Williams, née Rodríguez; Judith Bodden, née Usher; Leona Young, née Wade; Manuela Scott, née Hernández; Marie Banner, née Coleman; Marjorie Rivers, née Bernard; Melanie Magaña, née Speer; Olga Barber; Ruth Eggleton, née López; Shirley Card, née Waller; Therese Casey, née Engelton; Victoria Codd, née Day; Vincent Neal, née Gill; Ultica Vásquez, née Romero.

Our special guests were PHS alumnae: Beatrice Robateau, ’68; Beverly Pollard, ’72; Maureen Wright, ’68; Rosalee Aveloy Grant, ’68; and PHS teachers: Sister Benedict, Sister Rosalind, Father John Short, S.J.

Anita Eck, née Turton; Antonia Noguera; Carli Scott; Christine Heusner Robinson; Daphne Mena, née Hoy; Eloisa Bradley; Ester Heusner, née Hernández; Ina Retreage, née Boyd, Ivy Leslie-Blease; Jennifer Neal, néeBrown; Joy Tatum-Haylock; Joyce Perdomo, née Gough; Lillian Burgos, née Fonseca; Lydia Balderamos Loskot; María Scott, née Villanueva; Marta Woods, née Ordóñez; Minerva Gordillo de Maldonado; Patricia Reid; Rosilia Ordóñez, née Vega; Veronica Jones, née Usher; Ysela Sharp, née Castillo.

We were sad to learn that Rita Stuart, née Young, who was planning to attend, had to cancel because her father had just passed away.

Our special guests were alumnae Radiance Gillett, ’68, and Sheena Blease, SCA ’70.

Adrian Roe, Andrew Hulse, Celso Rodríguez, Charles Heusner, Clement Wade, Francis Gegg, Francisco Lino, Gary González, Glenn Blease, Hugo Vásquez, Israel González, James Waight, Jay Cruz, Jennison Nuñez, José Perera, José Zabaneh, Louis Robateau, Marsden Skeen, Mike Tewes, Raúl Castillo, Roy Young, Stanislaus Martínez, Stanley Gibson.

Our special guests were SJC alumnus Steve Swasey, ’70, and SJC teacher Marvin Neal.

The dinner-dance began with a cocktail reception. Classmates and their guests mingled to talk, pose for photos, and check out pictures from our year books and senior proms. SCA and PHS classmates wore corsages, and SJC classmates wore boutonnieres–gifts from the PHS organizers that made the occasion even more festive.


We gradually made our way to tables, where we sat and chatted with our dinner companions. We were surprised to discover that each place was set with a souvenir napkin, compliments of the Southern California reunion committee. They had done such a great job of keeping a secret that even the other organizers were surprised!

When the dinner buffet opened, the conversations moved from the tables to the long line that wound its way around the room.

The dinner buffet menu:

Pigs in Blanket
Veggie Platter
Tuna Puffs
Chicken Puffs
Devilled Eggs

Once everyone was seated, Stanislaus led the brief program. A representative from each school spoke briefly, with reminiscing of high school days: José Z from SJC, Joy from SCA, and Ruth from PHS.

Judith found us a great band—Electro Sounds from Orange Walk. We listened to their music before and after dinner, then danced to their beat until 2:00 PM (some of us, anyway)! When the band took a break, Steve entertained us with his songs.

This page last modified: July 18, 2023