35-Year Reunion Photos

SCA Girls’ Nite Out

Friday, 2 July, 2004

Marta hosted the SCA get together at the not-yet-open-to-the-public Old Belize Museusm.

Anita Eck, née Turton, Antonia Noguera,
Carli Scott, Daphne Mena, née Hoy, Eloisa Bradley; Ester Heusner, née Hernández, Ivy Leslie-Blease, Jennifer Neal, née Brown, Joy Tatum-Haylock, Joyce Perdomo, née Gough, Lillian Burgos, née Fonseca, Lydia Balderamos Loskot, María Scott, née Villanueva; Marta Woods, née Ordóñez, Minerva Gordillo de Maldonado Rosilia Ordóñez, née Vega

We missed—but remembered—classmates who couldn’t make it to the reunion. We had been looking forward to seeing Joy McKinnes, née Yorke, and Rita Stuart, née Young, both of whom had planned to attend but had to cancel shortly before the reunion. Joy Y’s work schedule made it impossible for her to attend. We were sad to learn that Rita’s father had just passed away.

This page last modified: July 18, 2023