45-Year Joint Reunion

Day Trip to Caye Caulker

Sunday, 22 June, 2014

caye trip

Throughout the morning and early afternoon of Sunday, small groups of classmates with family and friends arrived by water taxi or private boat. New arrivals ambled toward the split. On their walk, most ran into classmates who got to the caye earlier. Judith Bodden, née Usher, one of the first to reach the caye, staked out a large circle of sand in the shade of coconut palms near a nice swimming hole by the split.

Clusters of classmates formed and reformed to chat–some in the refreshing sea water, others while strolling along the sand, others while lounging in the shade.

In the early afternoon, many gathered for lunch and conversation at Sobre Las Olas.

Activities wound down in the afternoon. Following more chatting, swimming, strolling, taking photos and fishing, small groups left as they had come.

caye trip

It was a perfect day for the caye, not too hot and with a steady cool breeze. The one exception was that the returning 3:30 PM water taxi encountered a heavy squall just short of Belize City. It drenched those who were sitting in the stern in the open air, including Rita stuart, née Young, and her son Chris. But even getting drenched by the rain could not dampen their spirits after a fun day at the caye and a great reunion!

This page last modified: July 18, 2023