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Andrew, Gary and Wayne after breakfast
Ester, Linda, and Ruby before bus for Bacab
Jay and Raúl before bus to Bacab
José and Gary wait for bus
Pond at Bacab
Wayne, Ester, Gary, and Ruby
Cayman sunning on rock
Ivy enjoys her lunch at Bacab
Jaime with Stan and his friend
Hugo and his wife Soly at lunch
At lunch: Christine, Antonieta, Jaime, Stan and his friend, Ivy’s friend Ronald, Ivy, ???
At lunch: Ester, Wayne, Gary, Andrew, Ysela’s husband Rick, Ysela, Rosilia’s sister Mati, Rosilia
Marie, ???, Juanita B at lunch
Path through Bacab
Waterlilies in pond
Hugo, Gary, and Wayne
Antonieta and Ysela
Wishwillies approach table hoping for a handout