Antonieta, Ivy, and Rita (12 seconds)
Chief decorators: Judith and Joy
Jennison’s photo stands in for him with reunion organizers
Hugo and Ruby
Helpful husbands of the SCA organizers: Tom, Lou, and Alex
Raúl with wife Glenise
Ivy, Antonieta, Carli, and Jaime
Raúl and Israel
Judith and Juanita B
Andrew, Carli, Adrian
Marjorie and Manuela
Francis, Wayne, Gustavo, José
Jay, Francis, Wayne, Gustavo, José, and Raúl
Carli, Rosilia, Joy, and Jenny think SJC guys should stop monopolizing the banner
Antonieta, Joy, Marta, María, Rosilia
Patricia, Joyce, Joy, Carli, and Christine
Judith. Sandra, Vincent, Juanita B
José with wife Eloisa
Carli and Marie
María with husband Alex
Ruby, Ester, Linda, and Joyce
Israel with wife Cordelia
Vincent and Joy
Rita, Antonieta, Ivy, and Joy
Therese, Olga, and Manuela
Hugo with wife Soli
Eloica with husband Glen
Marie and friends
Carli, Judith, and Joy