45-Year Joint Reunion


Friday, 20 June, 2014


As alumni from the three schools started to gather for the 6:00PM Mass, the parking lot outside the SJC Fordyce Chapel was transformed into Reunion Central.

Each newly arrived classmate was greeted with squeals of recognition followed by hugs from the alumni standing around and chatting. Occasionally a new arrival prompted whispered exchanges.

Do you know who that is?

I think it’s so-and-so.

Wow, I didn’t recognize him!
I haven’t seen her in over 30 years!

Gradually, the different groups wandered into the chapel, where a whole new round of greetings took place—with classmates who were already there as well as with Father Stochl, Sisters Sarita and Margaret of SCA, and Sisters Cousuelo and Clara of PHS.

At Mass

When Father Stochl appeared anxious to get on with the Mass, some alumni went out to beckon those remaining in the parking lot. In the mean time, Father Stochl tried in vain to find someone with a match or lighter so that he could light the alter candles.

Eventually, the candles were lit and the Mass was underway. Shirley Card, née Waller, of PHS and Jennison Nuñez of SJC read from the scriptures. Rita Stuart, née Young, of SCA was prepared to do the third reading, but Father had apparently only planned for two.

After the mass, various groups got together for photos before heading off to the individual school gatherings.

This page last modified: July 18, 2023