← PreviousNext →30-Year Reunion Photos > Dinner-DanceSJC GroupsSaturday, 24 July, 1999 Left to right: Roy, José, Wayne, Francisco, Israel in front and Gustavo in back, Hugo in front and Marsden hidden in back, Adrian, Rogie, Juventino, Stan, Gary, Derick, Louis, Gowayne, David Left to right: Roy, José, Wayne, Francisco, Israel in front and Gustavo hidden in back, Hugo in front and Marsden in back, Rogie in front and Adrian hidden in back, Stan, Juventino, Gary in front with Louis hidden behind, Gowayne with Derick hidden behind, David Left to right: Roy, José, Francisco, Gustavo, Israel, Hugo, Adrian, Stan, Rogie, Louis, Gary, David Left to right: Roy, José, Francisco, Gustavo, Israel, Hugo, Adrian, Rogie, Stan, Derick, Gary, Louis, Gowayne, David Left to right: Roy, José, Wayne, Francisco, Gustavo, Israel, Juventino kneeling in front, Marsden, Hugo, Adrian, Rogie, Gary in front hiding Stan in back, Louis, Gowayne, David ← PreviousNext →